Cosmological Horizons
Cosmological Horizons
In their debut collection, Preminger uses the cosmic and the quantum to peer into mysteries of love.
“In this dazzling book, Sam Preminger fashions language into an instrument that peers into the mysteries spiraling in the heart, that measures the bright distances between people. They never reach for resolutions—observations, here, are interrogations. The gaze, after all, attends and mends. The line work is brilliant, rich with deft phrasing and sonic pleasures. Sam Preminger is an immensely gifted poet. These poems glimmer with the cosmic and constellate the stars in the body.”
—Eduardo C Corral, author of Guillotine
“Where Yeats wrote of planetary anxiety in ’The Second Coming’: Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; / Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world …Sam Preminger provides a counterpoise in the voice of a father who emerges / a constellation of himself saying I / have read the dust / and everything we ever were, expanding / all around us. Don’t be afraid, this darkest / diamond I have loved. Mercurial, protean, this shapeshifting collection, while questioning our place in a boundless universe, counters the anxiety we might hold with strong and equally rooted hope.”
—Sandra Alcosser, author of A Fish to Feed All Hunger and Except by Nature
“Preminger is birthing stars of insight. From a dark pool of the deepest memories, they drop illuminating bursts in which personal history, the body, the self can be understood in more stunning depth and devastating mystery. Through these sparkling poems, we see our life stories as astrological archetypes, complex polarities, laws of nature, and what is beyond our knowing but within our dreaming. Grab a telescope and a microscope; you'll want to stare at every wordbeam of light.”
—Carrie Seitzinger, author of Fall Ill Medicine